The 1999 Georgia quarter is worth $10,000.

The 1999 Georgia quarter is worth $10,000.

Manufacturing mistakes commonly decrease the value of products — many times making them absolutely worthless. Sometimes, though — like in the case of some 1999 Georgia state quarters — the error makes for a rare collector’s item. Mistakes on that particular minting have made the coins very valuable. Indeed, as much as a Georgia quarter … Read more

“Bicentennial Quarter and Other Rare Quarters: $40 Million Coin Search”

Bicentennial Quarter and Other Rare Quarters $40 Million Coin Search

Bicentennial Quarters and Rare Coins: The $40 Million Treasure Hunt. The “Bicentennial Quarters and Rare Coins: The $40 Million Treasure Hunt” refers to the fascinating world of coin collecting, where enthusiasts and experts alike hunt for rare and valuable coins, including the Bicentennial quarters minted in 1975 and 1976. These quarters, minted to celebrate the … Read more